Join the K4 mens community & embark on a journey of transformation to become an integrated, masculine man

K4 is an honor-based community of men who clarify their goals & hold each other accountable to achieve them. Your journey starts with a 12 week Rite of Passage online leadership & resiliency course.




transform your relationships

build wealth, & create a legacy you're proud of

Become An Integrated Masculine Man Now…

For Just $297!

You deserve it.

Your family & legacy demand it!

WHAT DOES... 'an integrated masculine man' MEAN TO YOU...?

From the desk of:

Philip Folsom and Joshua Wenner, Founders of K4

Venice, CA

What does 'An Integrated Masculine Man' mean, exactly?


That depends entirely on who you ask...

For some men, you’re looking to MASTER certain areas of your life… like your career and business, your relationships, your fitness, etc.

Maybe you’ve been hit hard lately, and you’re searching to not just bounce back, but make things work better than ever...

For others, life is ‘good’…but part of you knows the BEST version of yourself is still waiting to be discovered. 

But for many men, it feels like a very important ‘piece’ of your life missing… something that gives you purpose and meaning…but you’re not quite sure WHAT that ‘piece’ is. (Otherwise, you’d already be running after it). 

After working with many elite police, firefighter, first-responder and military teams…

And helping countless leadership teams inside some of the TOP innovative corporations, like Apple, SpaceX, and Red Bull…

And building a strong community of over 600+ freedom and purpose-driven men…

We know one thing to be true…

EVERY man searches for a complete sense of FULFILLMENT, without feeling like there’s a void, or that something’s “Missing”.

When you look at the most revered cultures throughout history, you find that these cultures had very specific rituals that helped men cultivate purpose and meaning in their lives. 

In each of these cultures men had communities that stood for growth, service and honor.

The problem today is that these very specific traits, rituals and cultures that gave life to freedom, meaning and purpose got buried in history.

If you haven’t studied these cultures, then there’s no way you would know about the specific rituals they used every day to create not only freedom and purpose, but also a legacy that has lasted thousands of years…

And because this has been lost in the sands of time, it’s not your fault that you don’t know…

You ARE living a life that is less fulfilling than it could be because you haven’t been taught what these missing pieces are.

There was NOBODY to teach you.



NO ELDER COUNCIL to turn to…

Just because you don’t know doesn’t totally let you off the hook.

See, the cold, hard truth is that...

If there’s something in your life that’s not as good as it could be…It’s because YOU are NOT as good as you CAN be.

And that’s why we’d like to offer you an invitation to join the K4 Rite of Passage & Men's work community . 

The k4 Rite of Passage

This is a self directed 13 week curriculum designed to give you a renewed sense of meaning and purpose in your life…

Show you how to create the freedom you crave, whether that is freedom from addictions or bad habits or the freedom to create more opportunities for yourself and your family…

And connect with other successful men who are creating big things in their lives.

During this Rite of passage, you’re going to discover…

The difference between Honor and Pride…and how knowing this is literally the KEY between creating accomplishments that inspire you vs. those that you forget about two seconds after you cross the finish line.

Why being a “Lone Wolf” has been celebrated, but could actually be holding you back from achieving the things that you REALLY desire.

The BIGGEST master toolset of resiliency that empowers you to accessing your internal wisdom and guidance system…and what you can do EACH DAY to tap into an unlimited source of energy and vitality.

The THREE master maps that drive virtually all of your decisions…and how you can be 10X more deliberate with how you navigate them.

How to create meaningful connections with other men who are also reclaiming their freedom and purpose & interact with an active community of hundreds of men.

By the time this Challenge is over, you will walk away with a customized ROADMAP that not only answers these 3 life-changing questions…

“Where am I?”

“Where do you want to GO next?”

“Who do you need to BECOME to get there?”

…but points you to the next step of your journey to a life of freedom and purpose.

Meet Your Challenge Leaders

Two veterans, one a Cultural performance anthropologist, speaker and facilitator, the other a successful entrepreneur and master coach.


Together, they founded K4 - a community of over 1,000+ men who encourage and hold each other accountable… a brotherhood for those seeking to MASTER their battles, and become KING of their “Four Houses” in business, relationships, fitness, and life. 

Here’s What You Can EXPECT During The rite of passage…

13 weeks of curriculum

Join Joshua and Philip for 13 weeks of transformational content where you’ll learn what the ancient battle-tested rituals are that have been forgotten…

AND, they’ll teach you the building blocks for creating your customized ROADMAP that answers the questions, “Who am I?”, “Where do I want to go?”, and “Who do I need to BECOME to get there?”


At the end of each module, Philip and Joshua will build on the lesson for the day, turning information into TRANSFORMATION. You’ll be assigned a task/exercise to complete from the comfort of your own home.  

There will be a little bit of work involved (but that’s why we call it a Challenge!)

CONNECTION & private fb community

Immediately upon joining, you’ll be able to connect with other men who have completed the Rite of Passage, and are on their journey to create freedom and purpose in their life, just like you.  

You’ll be able to get your questions answered each day as you navigate through the challenge, so you’ll never be stuck, and will always know the next step to take.

This rite of passage Is NOT For Everyone…

In fact, it won’t be for MOST men…


YES - there will be some WORK (and inner-work) involved…


So if you are attached to being the ‘victim’... or if you can’t take ownership and responsibility for where you’re at (and where you want to go)...


Then this challenge is not for you.

There’s a powerful quote from Greek Philosopher Heraclitus that says, 

We only have TWO questions for you… In that scenario, if YOU were to go to battle with 100 other men…

Who are YOU right now?

Are you among the TEN that shouldn’t even be ‘in the game’ in first place? 

Are you in the majority of men who don’t want this? (The ones who are the targets, the ‘victims’, who grasp onto unhealthy outlets or addictions because they’re missing freedom and purpose…)

Or are you in the precious few who are willing to FIGHT, and become the MASTER over the life you want?

And, “How Do You Become The ONE?”

That’s what we want to help you with in our Rite of Passage program.

Join the K4 Rite of Passage Program Now…

For Just $297!

Become An Integrated Masculine Man Now…

Why Are We Doing This…For Just $297?

We’re doing this for TWO reasons:

We want to make this accessible to ALL men who want to join.

Our mission is to guide 1,000,000 men toward a life of freedom and purpose. And it starts with this Rite of Passage.

A portion of your $297, Will Be DONATED To Scholarships For Veterans.

That’s right, we’re DONATING a portion of the proceeds of this program!   

That means, the $297 you invest today that gets you access to this Rite of Passage will go toward providing scholarships for veterans.  


Our goal is not only to make this Challenge extremely affordable, but to honor our veterans who have so honorably helped us.

THAT’S ultimately why we’re doing this!

Here’s What OTHER Men Are Saying…

“K4 is brotherhood, tribe, family & accountability. It’s a safe space to evolve. What we are building through this brotherhood is changing the culture of masculinity.”

Jared Alexander

“If you are looking for a group to help you move from where you are at to where you want to be, K4 is for you.”

Jade Molina

“This has given me a roadmap to be a better father, husband, friend & leader. I strongly recommend you give yourself the gift of this course.“

Richard Tomasini

The following testimonials were men who shared in a confidential container. We wanted to honor this container and that is why their names & faces are blurred out.

Frequently asked questions

How do I know if this Rite of Passage is for me?

This Rite of Passage is for any men who feel like they want more freedom, purpose, honor, and fulfillment in their life. If you want to level up in key areas of your life (relationships, career, fitness, etc…), and connect with other men who are on the same journey, this Rite of Passage is for you.

Do I need to attend LIVE?

No! After you join you will gain access to our 13 week Rite of Passage curriculum that you can do at your own pace. You will also receive a link to join our private FB community to interact with men.

Can I bring my spouse to the Rite of Passage?

While we encourage you to share your a-ha moments with your spouse, this Rite of Passage is for YOU and you alone. We’ve created a sacred space, a brotherhood where we build honorable men who have the freedom to grow, learn.

Can other men join the Rite of Passage with me?

Absolutely! If you have other men in your family, social groups, or place of work that would be interested in this Rite of Passage, send them the link to this page and go through the journey together!

Can I get a refund if the Rite of Passage isn’t for me?

If you go through all 13 modules of the Rite of Passage & complete the challenges & feel like you have not gotten 10x the $297 value we are happy to refund you.

Discover the ancient battle-tested rituals that successful men today are using to unlock new levels of freedom and purpose.

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